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May 2021

Published on 5/10/2021

May has arrived and Memorial Day will be here before you know it! I know we’re all looking forward to the warmer weather, getting out of the house more and taking vacations again (whether it be a car ride to the shore or a plane ride to….anywhere!)

For many of us, we still have to get through the work week and what that entails – balancing Zoom meetings and a heavy workload with virtual school (for some of our kids) and other stressors. In this challenging environment – during a pandemic – it’s difficult to feel motivated and connected; however, there are techniques that can help you build resilience in the workplace, whether remote or in person, and during the job hunt, if you’re one of the many people out there looking for work. In fact, these skills can be used in almost any stressful situation.

That’s why we hope you will attend tonight’s program, “Building Resilience in the Workplace and During the Job Hunt,” with our special guest, Dr. Michael Gotlib, Psy.D., clinical psychologist and organizational wellness facilitator. I imagine we ALL could use some tips these days to improve mental health and work performance, focus and productivity. This informative presentation is free for students and PRSA members; only $5 for non-members. Please register here to attend. We hope to see you there!

As always, PRSA continues to provide stimulating programming for members and we plan to continue that commitment through the summer. Check out for a plethora of professional development webinars this month, including “Master the Art of Storytelling” and “Maximize Owned and Earned Media to Garner (Real) Results.”

I look forward to seeing you on Zoom and in person soon! Please reach out to me if you have any questions, suggestions or just to say hi at or

Michele Besso
President, PRSA Philadelphia

Upcoming Philly PRSA Events

TONIGHT: May 10, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. 
Building Resilience in the Workplace and During the Job Hunt
In this challenging environment, it’s difficult to feel motivated and connected; however, there are techniques that can help you build resilience in the workplace, whether remote or in person, and during the job hunt. Learn more about building resiliency with Dr. Michael Gotlib, Psy. D., Clinical Psychologist and Organizational Wellness Facilitator. 
FREE for Members | $5 non-member

June 16, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Surviving a Crisis and Choosing the Right Spokesperson
A crisis can strike at any time and destroy your company’s operations, brand reputation and community goodwill. It could happen in a flash or bubble under the surface for months or years. Either way, you need to be prepared in advance to quickly and accurately communicate about what happened, why it happened and what you are doing to address it. Join media trainer, and Emmy Award-winning former TV news anchor Kerry Barrett as she walks through everything you need to consider when selected a spokesperson for your brand or client.
Members: $10 | Guests: $20 | Students: $1
Meet Our Members: A Chat With PRSA Member Brittany Eifert
Brittany is an active PRSA Philly member and regularly contributes her expertise to our monthly Chapter Chat. Continue reading to learn a little more about Brittnay.

Tell us about your current job and your primary responsibilities?
I am an Assistant Account Executive at RPA Advertising in Moorestown, NJ. I manage day-to-day client relationships with automotive dealer associations on large-scale campaigns. What I love about my job is that every day is different. I am always multi-tasking and working on various projects, which keeps things fun and exciting. I may have a set to-do list for the day, but it constantly changes as new projects arise and my priorities can shift at any given moment. In an ordinary week, my primary responsibilities can include: ordering and trafficking out digital, social, TV and radio advertisements, designing print and billboard advertisements, constructing sponsorship proposals, outlining client meeting presentation decks, and building out monthly marketing bulletins.  
When did you decide to join PRSA and what influenced you to do so?
I joined the PRSA Philadelphia Chapter a few months into my job search, following my graduation from Rowan University with a B.A. in Public Relations and minor in Advertising. As an active member of the AJF-PRSSA Chapter at Rowan, I was well-informed of the many benefits that both PRSSA and PRSA had to offer. I joined AJF-PRSSA as a dues-paying member in my junior year, as a transfer student from Burlington County College, and contributed to the AJF-PRSSA monthly newsletter. In my senior year, I became the Publications Editor for the chapter and felt that this truly helped me to grow my skills in writing, editing and graphic design. My time and involvement in the AJF-PRSSA Chapter influenced me to continue to along the path of professional development and join the Philadelphia PRSA Chapter.
In what ways does your current job benefit you as a Communications Committee Member?
In my current position, I am constantly learning how to better communicate with and work alongside my associates as well as my clients. This contributes to my communication with the other communications committee members, along with meeting deadlines and improving my writing and editing skillset. In the same way, I feel that my contribution to the communications committee is beneficial to my writing skills in my current position.
What is the most rewarding aspect of your role as a Communications Committee Member? As a PRSA Member?
I truly enjoy storytelling and with my monthly communication with various public relations professionals for their PRSA member spotlights, I feel that I am helping to highlight the unique journeys and successes of remarkable individuals right within the Greater Philadelphia region.
 What advice would you give to potential members regarding the value of a PRSA membership?
Join, connect with fellow members, and get involved! Your membership is what you make of it, and you will make many great connections and grow your skillset. The possibilities and opportunities are endless. Take a leap and go for it!
Resources and Events Available to Members
Visit the PRSA National Professional Development page to see the latest webinars and workshops available free, or at a reduced cost, to members. Coming up soon:

Diversity & Inclusion: Uncovering Implicit Bias to Achieve PR Success
Live May 11, 2021 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. EST; On-Demand May 18
 In this judgment-free zone, we’ll step outside our comfort zones to discreetly uncover our own unconscious biases, confront mistaken assumptions and work together to create an environment that allows us to work together to achieve PR and communication goals for our clients, ourselves and PRSA.  

Humanizing Communications: How To Create Thoughtful and Inclusive Narratives
Live May 13 2021 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. EST, On-Demand May 20
This webinar focuses on how to incorporate appropriate language and imagery with a human lens in public relations campaigns. Strategy and tactical inclusion tips covered during the webinar are centered on person-first, multicultural, LGBTQ+ and economically disenfranchised communities.

Don’t Feed the Trolls: Managing Online Negative Content
Live May 20, 2021 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. EST
The role of misinformation has become more rampant across social media in the last decade. With brands struggling to combat the flow of misinformation, all types of negative content spread six times as much as positive and factual news with little or no regulation – an alarming number. This situation is even more apparent in public affairs and government sectors where communicators cannot combat the rapid flow of 'fake news,' which damages their reputation in real-time during a major crisis.
Love your PRSA Membership? Encourage a friend or colleague to join today!
Learn more here
PRSA Job Board
For those of you who may be in the hiring position, we hope that you will 
submit your openings as they become available so we can share them with our
community of PR and communications professionals.
If you are on the job hunt yourself, check out our local chapter listings.
We also encourage you to visit the PRSA National job board.