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Any of your work Pepperpot-worthy?

PRSA | Published on 7/19/2022

Pepperpot Awards
In recent issues of PRSA Philly Chapter Chat, we have put the spotlight on some of the 2021 Pepperpot winners, what made their campaigns or projects exceptional, and lessons learned relevant for any of us.

The recent Pepperpot winners also described how much the award meant to them and their teams, a validation of the quality of PR professionalism, a source of pride, and a reputation boost with their colleagues and peers. And a fun night to celebrate, too.

Plenty of companies, large and small, universities, agencies, and non-profits are making a difference with stellar PR programs. Soon, it can be your turn to display your best work for the 2022 Pepperpots!

As you enjoy a summertime break, it’s a perfect time to be thinking of award-worthy work you’ve been doing, maybe a creative campaign your team executed that achieved solid results for your organization. There are Pepperpot award categories for everyone -- specific tactics, campaigns, and individuals who help advance the profession, demonstrate a commitment to education or excellence in writing.

Winning entries are not just ordinary or typical for a particular category, but those which are original, creative, innovative, and meet a high standard. Successful entries will articulate how research informed thorough planning with clear objectives, impressive execution, as well as quantitative and/or qualitative results. Consider PR strategic elements: research, planning, execution, and evaluation.

We will share more information about preparing entries next month. In the meantime, here’s a list of Pepperpot categories to get you thinking.

Campaigns:  Community Relations; Crisis Communications or Issues Management; Development or Fundraising; Influencer Programs; Internal/Employee Communications; Integrated Communications; Marketing Communications; Media Relations; Multicultural Communications; Public Affairs; Public Service; Reputation/Brand Management; Social Media; Special Events & Observances; and Shoestring Budget Campaigns.

Tactics:  Annual Reports, Audio-Visual Programs, Brochures, Content Marketing, Editorial/Op-Ed, Executive Communications, Feature Stories, Magazines, Mobile App, Newsletters, Research, Social Media Platform, and Website.

Coming together as PRSA Philly is a chance to highlight and celebrate outstanding work being done in our region. Take time in the weeks ahead and consider how you can participate. 

(We look forward to continuing the 2021 Pepperpot winner spotlight series in the coming months, too.)