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February 2021

Published on 2/9/2021
A Message from the Chapter President

Happy February everyone!

2021 is off to a great start, thanks to a fabulous program held last week, “Get Away with PRSA,” where we pretended we were on vacation -- dressed in beach gear, drink in hand -- while networking with each other and signing up for committees. We had a great time and were happy to welcome back existing members and connect with some potential new members too!

Our new board is already making things happen, and we’re super excited for our next event “The First Amendment and Its Role in Journalism: A Deep Dive with The New York Times Leading Newsroom Attorney David McCraw.” On March 9, join PRSA Philadelphia for a fireside chat with McCraw, lead attorney for The New York Times newsroom, and author of Truth in Our Times: Inside the Fight for Press Freedom in the Age of Alternative Facts. This high profile event is one that you don’t want to miss! Register now at

But back to committees…. PRSA Philly offers many ways to serve the chapter, from the membership and programming committees, to the communications and sponsorship committees. Volunteering on a committee is a great way to get involved with PRSA and a rewarding way to make a difference in the chapter. And it’s not time consuming! If you’re interested in signing up for a committee, or just have questions about joining the chapter, please feel free to reach out to me directly at  I always like to hear from you!

Once again, I hope to “see” all of our members virtually, for now, and in person hopefully someday in the near future. Whether you’re looking to join the chapter, or if your membership has lapsed and you are questioning whether to rejoin the chapter, whatever the issue may be, please reach out to me. I can help you work it out! And don’t be surprised if you happen to receive a phone call from a board member one day – we are reaching out to members who may have fallen through the cracks. We also want to speak with YOU, our existing members, to learn how to increase your engagement. We have a big, beautiful chapter and we want everyone to feel that they have a place here.

Yay to PRSA!

Michele Besso
President, PRSA Philadelphia

The First Amendment and Its Role in Journalism:
A Deep Dive with The New York Times Leading Newsroom Attorney David McCraw

Join Philadelphia PRSA for a fireside chat with David McCraw, lead attorney for The New York Times newsroom, and author of Truth in Our Times: Inside the Fight for Press Freedom in the Age of Alternative Facts.

March 9, 2021 | 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm 
Free for Members 
$15 for Non-Members

Register Today
Meet the Board: Programming Chair: Shari Rosen
by Brittany Eifert

We are pleased to introduce several new faces to the PRSA Philly Board, including our new Programming Chair, Shari Rosen. As a Corporate Communications Manager at TD Bank, Shari brings innovative ideas and diverse communications experience to the chapter. Below, Shari shares a bit more about her background and her plans to form a strong programming committee.\

What is a typical workday like for you?
One thing COVID-19 has taught me, like so many others, is that there is no typical workday. I am always challenging myself to think of new and exciting ways to engage our customers, colleagues and communities. My responsibilities range from developing communications strategies and executing time-sensitive Paycheck Protection Program communications, media inquiries and talking points to enhancing our regional presence and developing content-driven lead generation campaigns. 

When did you decide to join PRSA and what influenced you to do so?
When I moved to Philadelphia for my first PR job, everyone was talking about PRSA and the great networking and learning opportunities it offered PR professionals. As someone new to the industry, I wanted to get involved right away to meet new people and learn as much as possible as quickly as possible since I had started my career in journalism and was pivoting industries. I ended up loving PR and PRSA so much that I secured my APR accreditation.

In what ways does your current job aid you in your position as Programming Chair?
Although I do not frequently plan events in my current role, I am constantly challenged to think creatively and reimagine how things can be done differently. This has especially come to light for me during COVID-19 when many different communications tactics have been reimagined and I was part of a team that helped transform some large in-person events into enhanced virtual experiences. I want to take these skills and the lessons I’ve learned into my role as Programming Chair. 

What do you find to be the most fulfilling part of the Programming Chair role? 
It’s a bit hard to answer this question since I’m super new in this role. However, so far, I’ve enjoyed getting to connect with new people. It’s been great to hear why people are passionate about different types of programming. I’m always open to hearing new ideas and discovering what others are interested in. This role is a great opportunity to hear from others and really work on my listening skills.

How would joining PRSA be especially beneficial for potential members?
Right now, a lot of people feel isolated. I feel fortunate to be able to work remotely; however, there are times when I want to meet and network with people outside of the work environment. PRSA provides the opportunity for PR professionals to broaden their networks and continue to hear new perspectives on trending industry topics even in this challenging environment. The industry is quickly evolving, especially in this remote work environment, so it’s more important than ever to stay on top of timely industry trends.

Resources and Events Available to Members
Visit the PRSA National Professional Development page to see the latest webinars and workshops available to members. Coming up soon:

Protecting Clients’ Reputations, and Yours, When They Are Their Own Worst Enemy
Live February 11, 2021 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. On Demand Beginning February 18
During this webinar, two longtime agency executives will have a frank discussion (without naming names) about situations they’ve experienced with clients who, despite their counselors’ best advice, made a tough situation worse with bad behavior. They’ll share what went wrong, what could have been done to prevent things from going poorly and how they helped repair client reputations while protecting their own reputations.

Cut Through the Clutter Online
Live February 16, 2021 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. On Demand Beginning February 23
It’s 48% harder to understand information on a smartphone than on a laptop. So how do you make your writing style easy to understand — even on the small screen?

Navigating Washington: The inside scoop on what we are telling our clients about how to navigate 2021
Live February 23, 2021 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. 
Every new presidential administration brings change to Washington, and that change often impacts public relations clients in a variety of disciplines around the country. Now more than ever, politics and policy impact business and daily life. How can we counsel our clients in the short and long-term about navigating this new year? What factors should we consider? What resources exist to help us?  What are the opportunities for us as counselors, and the pitfalls to avoid?
Thank you to everyone who attended the Get Away with PRSA networking event last week! If you're interested in becoming more active with the chapter, or joining a committee, we'd love to hear from you! Reach out to and someone will be in touch! 
PRSA Job Board
For those of you who may be in the hiring position, we hope that you will 
submit your openings as they become available so we can share them with our
community of PR and communications professionals.
If you are on the job hunt yourself, check out our local chapter listings.
We also encourage you to visit the PRSA National job board.